#春季养身计划# Honestly, vermicelli can be cooked in three minutes Today I used beef stock there are some pieces of beef in it It was ripped from yesterday's high pressure beef rib It can be said to be deboned meat. Noodles in stock add a little green onion Delicious Nutritious, delicious and convenient The focus can also be healthy I need a bowl of hot soup and hot noodles in the morning.
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# 春季养身计划 # 诚不我欺 三分钟就可以煮好的 挂面 今天用了牛肉高汤 里面还有几块牛肉 是从昨天高压的牛肋骨那撕下来的 可以说是剔骨肉了 用高汤煮面 再加一点葱花 好好吃 营养美味方便快捷 重点还可以养生 早上就要吃一碗热汤热面啊