#春季养身计划# Just ask if you are hungry Boiled Beef Ribs About half an hour on high pressure will do. Then tear off the meat, dip it in water and eat it spicy very healthy Because when the beef ribs were cooked, nothing was added just a little salt without any complicated condiments eat is a fresh It's really spicy when dipped in water. It's delicious even with the soles of your shoes so perfect And the independent small package is very convenient
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# 春季养身计划 # 就问你馋不馋这一口 牛肋骨清水煮 大概高压半小时就可以了 然后把肉撕下来 直接沾蘸水辣吃 非常养生 因为煮牛肋骨的时候 啥都没有加 只要一点点盐 没有任何繁杂的佐料 吃的就是一个鲜嫩 蘸水辣真的 沾鞋底都好吃呢 太完美了 而且独立小包装 非常方便