#春季养身计划# Prince of Prince brand original American ginseng chrysanthemum tea has a net content of 1.8 grams per bag. It is ready to be brewed in the morning and drink to refresh oneself. Take out the tea bag from the plastic packaging. Inside are small yellow particles, and the special flavor of American ginseng is strong. The drinking method is: put a tea bag into the cup and brew it with boiling water for three to five minutes. The longer the brewing time, the stronger the taste of ginseng. The tea soup is light yellow and transparent, with natural aroma, sweet and soft, The aftertaste is mellow. The product uses pure original American ginseng produced in Wisconsin, USA. It needs to be stored in a cool and dark place.
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# 春季养身计划 # 太子牌的原枝花旗参菊花茶,每袋的净含量为 1.8 克,早晨准备冲泡了喝提神,从塑料包装中,取出茶袋子,里面是呈黄色的小颗粒,花旗参特殊味浓郁。 饮用方法为:将一枚茶包放入杯内,用沸水冲泡,三至五分钟即可,冲泡的时间越长、参味越浓,茶汤淡黄通透、香气天然,清甘绵柔、回味醇厚。 商品采用了纯正美国威斯康辛州出产的原枝花旗参,需置于阴凉避光处保存,是款好喝的养身茶,感觉原枝花旗参菊花茶,两种搭配挺合适。