#春季养身计划# Taizihui's original American ginseng rose tea is packaged in a red plastic bag, which looks very bright. The net content of each small bag is 2.5 grams, and the calorie is 0 calories. The brewing method introduced is: put a pack of original American ginseng rose Put scented tea into a cup, brew it with 8 ounces of boiling water for three to five minutes, and drink it. The longer the brewing time, the stronger the ginseng flavor. The color of the dry tea bag is light yellow with pink in it. , the taste is dominated by the taste of American ginseng, bright brown, sweet and slightly bitter, now Yami has a 40% discount, a box of thirty-six tea bags, it is a good product for health preservation.
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# 春季养身计划 # 太子辉的原枝花旗参玫瑰花茶,红色的塑料袋包装,看着很亮丽,每小袋的净含量是 2.5 克,热量为 0 卡路里,介绍的冲泡方法为:将一包原枝花旗参玫瑰花茶放入杯中,以八盎司的沸水,冲泡三至五分钟即可饮用,冲泡时间越长、参味越浓,干茶包的颜色淡黄中透着粉红,热水泡好后,口感以花旗参的味道为主,茶色透亮、清甘微苦,现在亚米有六折优惠,一盒三十六茶包,是款养生的佳品。