This old hen noodle soup is the best chicken noodle soup I have ever eaten in the United States. The chicken soup is very rich and you can smell the aroma of chicken. It is not easy to boil or turn into a ball, very good chicken soup instant noodles 🍜! #春季养身计划#
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这款老母鸡汤面是我在美吃过最好吃的一款鸡汤面,鸡汤很浓郁,能闻到香浓的鸡肉香味,面条也是Q弹顺滑,比普通的方便更有韧性,好煮又不容易煮断或者变成一团,非常棒鸡汤方便面🍜!# 春季养身计划 #