# 春季养身计划 #This mango Daifuku has eight mango Daifuku in a box, produced in Japan! Mango Daifuku is chewy when you bite into it. It is delicious and does not stick to your teeth. You can taste the mango flavor of the filling in the middle. Children also like it very much. They can show off two or three at a time, and they will buy it again!
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# 春季养身计划 #这款芒果大福一盒有八颗芒果大福,产自日本!芒果大福咬下去糯滋滋的,好吃不沾牙,能吃到中间馅料的芒果香味,小朋友也很喜欢,一次能炫两三个,还会回购!