#春季养身计划# When steaming pork ribs Add a little spicy chili noodles from Xiaoxiongjia Instant get√Spicy steamed pork ribs Eating it steamed is very healthy And it's really tender Rib meat tastes so tender and very tasty utterly utterly If you like spicy food, you must try it. and not too spicy just right
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# 春季养身计划 # 粉蒸排骨的时候 加一点小熊驾到的微辣的辣椒面 瞬间get√麻辣口味的粉蒸排骨 蒸着吃非常养生 而且真的还嫩啊 排骨肉 吃起来巨嫩 而且特别入味 绝了绝了 喜欢吃辣的一定要试一下啊 而且没有特别辣 就真的刚刚好