# 春季养身计划 #This Xiang spicy small fish snack A small box contains 20 individually packaged sealed small dried fish The weight of each pack is average But the taste is really good Friends who can’t eat spicy food, remember to make a detour I don't know if it's authentic Hunan spicy It's the outstanding spiciness and a bit of sourness Although the barbecue flavor I bought But it has nothing to do with barbecue as I understand it 😂 It's better to call it Xiang spicy/spicy or hot and sour directly. The ingredients are real dried fish that can be seen In a small bag, there are generally three or four "big" and complete dried fish Everything else is very small pieces overall taste is not bad Suitable for meal or appetizer😄
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# 春季养身计划 #这款湘辣小鱼小零食 一小盒 里面有20包独立包装的密封小鱼干 每一包的分量吧都一般般 但味道是真的足 不能吃辣的小伙伴 记得绕行 是不是正宗湘辣 我是不知道 就是突出的辣味 还有一丢丢的酸 虽然我买的烧烤味 但跟我理解的烧烤完全不沾边😂 不如直接叫湘辣/香辣或者酸辣口味比较好 食材是看得见的真材实料小鱼干 一小包里 普遍有三四根比较“大”且完整的鱼干 其他都是非常小的小块块 总体味道还不错 适合用来下饭 或者开胃😄