# 春季养身计划 #One of the indispensable soul mates for hot pot in winter, yuba! Prepare some soaked yuba when making hot pot, It is one of our Cantonese favorite food! Without yuba when making hot pot, it is like eating without Missing one of the entrees, the meaty meat was just as delicious! The quality of this bean curd stick is very good, easy to soak, easy to cook, easy to taste, not easy to burn. At the same time, bean curd stick is also a good health food!
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# 春季养身计划 #冬天打火锅不能缺少的灵魂伴侣之一,腐竹! 打火锅时备上一些泡好的腐竹, 是我们广东人最喜欢的食物之一! 打火锅时少了腐竹,就好像少平常吃饭时, 少了主菜之一,美味的肉肉 一样! 这款腐竹质量非常好,好泡好煮易入味,不易灿.同时腐竹也是好的养生之物!