#春季养身计划# This is the first time I bought this fish ball at YAMI Because I saw other friends buying it, I bought it by the way. As a result, I took one bite and immediately decided that I would buy another ten packs‼ ️ Ma'am, it's delicious Hit my taste buds with precision ✅Very very Q bomb ✅Slightly spicy with a hint of sweetness ✅The ingredients are really good. Each fish egg contains 50% surimi, which is very healthy ✅The inside is individually packaged, each package contains an egg really delicious One bag is eaten in an instant Such a healthy snack Must place an order quickly to buy ten bags
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# 春季养身计划 # 第一次在 YAMI 亚米 买这个 鱼蛋 因为看到其他小伙伴买 就顺便跟买了一下 结果 一口下去 立马决定 我要再买十包‼️ 太太太好吃啦 精准击中我的味蕾 ✅非常非常Q弹 ✅微微辣 有一丝丝回甜 ✅用料实在 每一颗鱼蛋里面含50%鱼糜 非常健康 ✅里面都是独立包装 每个包装里面有一颗蛋 真的太好吃了 一袋子瞬间就吃完了 这么健康养生的小零食 必须赶紧下单 买十袋