#春季养身计划# This time I drank Xiang Piao Piao Xiang Taro Shuangpin Milk Tea, As the name suggests: pearl + taro particles. Overall it's a good match. Taro granules also retain the aroma of taro, Rich taste, pearl Q bomb, The combination of milk flavor and tea is really just right. But the taste of taro is not very strong, One cup is quite full 😅
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# 春季养身计划 # 这次喝的是香飘飘香芋双拼奶茶, 顾名思义就是:珍珠+香芋颗粒。 整体来说是不错的搭配。 芋头颗粒也保留着芋头的香味, 口感丰富,珍珠Q弹, 奶香味跟茶的搭配是真的刚刚好。 但是芋头味道并不是很浓郁, 一杯下来还挺饱的😅