#春季养身计划# I bought it during the discount, and there are 21 masks in one bag. It says two sheets per day on the cover, I don't know why they don't design an even number of masks 🤣. The instructions say that it only takes 5 minutes to post each time, which is very convenient and suitable for busy people. But I stick it for about ten minutes every time, and it will be a little dry after a little longer. After applying the mask, the skin is refreshed and radiant. This price/performance ratio is still very good👍.
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# 春季养身计划 # 之前打折的时候买入,一袋共21张面膜。封面上写着每天两片,不知道为什么它们不设计双数的面膜数🤣。 说明上是说每次贴5分钟就可以,这样很方便,适合忙碌的人用。但我每次都贴个十分钟左右,再长一点时间就有点干了。 敷完面膜后,皮肤清爽有光泽。这个性价比还是很不错的👍。