#春季养身计划# This chicken seasoning seasoning is particularly fragrant, and the soup is even more delicious! The stuffing was great! Easy to dissolve, easy to taste, delicious and mellow, and has a good freshening effect! Suitable for many cooking styles! I just have an empty jar at home 🫙 It’s very useful to pack a small jar like this
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# 春季养身计划 # 这个鸡精调味料炒菜特别的香,煮汤更是鲜美!拌馅都棒极了!易溶解轻松入味鮮香醇厚,提鮮效果好!适用于多种烹饪方式! 刚好家里有空罐子🫙这样一包刚好装一小罐非常好用