# 春季养身计划 # Brown Lu conditioner of the Lu series used with shampoo. It is easy to clean without residue, and the hair becomes softer and fluffier after use. There is also a pleasant smell of Chinese herbal medicine, and the hair is very comfortable. It can stay fresh for a long time and is not oily. The bottle of conditioner can be emptied much faster than that of shampoo. Fortunately, Yami sells it separately, and you can replenish it at any time!
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# 春季养身计划 # 配套洗发水一起使用的吕系列的棕吕护发素。容易清洗不残留,使用后头发更加松软蓬松,还有好闻的中草药味道,头发很舒服。可以保持较久时间的清爽不起油。护发素的空瓶速度比洗发水要快得多,好险亚米有分开卖,可以随时补货!