# 春季养身计划 # 1⃣️. Daily weight loss—long-lost multigrain rice. If you don't lose weight in spring, it will be sad in summer. I decisively mixed the barley from Fangjia shop bought in Yami last year, the buckwheat from Tongfeng, and the bits of quinoa left at home. The rice cooker is also bought from Yami, and Xiaoxiong’s rice cooker (I didn’t find any of the tags of these 3 things, but it’s okay🙃) is still very convenient. Doing it once is enough for a few days, eat less rice every day, and try to lose weight!
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# 春季养身计划 # 1⃣️.减肥日常—久违的杂粮饭。春天不减肥,夏季徒伤悲啊。果断把去年在亚米买的方家铺子的薏仁和同丰的荞麦,以及之前家里剩下的一丢丢藜麦都混合在一起。电饭煲也是亚米买的,小熊的电饭煲(这3样东西的tag我一个也没搜出来可还行🙃)还是很方便的。做一次够吃几天了,每天少吃点米饭,努力减肥!