# 春季养身计划 # 2⃣️Loss weight daily—tofu in spicy tomato soup. The Haidilao tomato hot pot I bought before was used to make a small hot pot for one person twice for Dai Bin, and there was still a little bit left. I bought this 1000g extra-large hot sauce and Budao Weng’s corn syrup from Yami, plus the leftover spicy cabbage at home before, and I just made a small bowl. Originally, I saw someone saying that tomato should be added to make spicy cabbage soup, so I thought about consuming the hot pot base to try it... I overturned. The ginger flavor of the tomato hot pot base and the ginger flavor of the spicy cabbage are added together, and the whole soup is full of ginger flavor. I'm crying... Fortunately, I don't do much. I just lose weight, so I can eat less if it doesn't taste good.
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# 春季养身计划 # 2⃣️减肥日常—番茄辣汤豆腐。之前买的海底捞的番茄火锅,拿来给呆斌做了两次单人小火锅,还剩了一点点。在亚米买的这个1000g的超大辣酱和不岛翁的玉米糖浆,再加上之前家里剩下的辣白菜,我就凑合做了一小碗。本来是看见别人说做辣白菜汤要加番茄,所以想着消耗火锅底料来尝试下...翻车了。番茄火锅底料的姜味和辣白菜的姜味加在一起,整个汤都是姜味。哭了...好在做的不多,刚好在减肥,不太好吃就能少吃点。