# 春季养身计划 #Eat more meat and less starch Eat well and still lose weight what to do if you don't have time to cook Liu Po will help you roast chicken wings quickly Chicken wings sprinkled with a lot of Liupo chili noodles Quickly spread out on a baking sheet and throw in the oven 400 degrees for 10-15 minutes, turn over and wait for another 5 minutes to eat Basically, it takes less than 5 minutes to prepare the meal, and the meal can be served after waiting for 20 minutes I can be busy with other things in the middle Super fast and convenient The key is delicious Thick chili noodles are fragrant but not spicy Chili seeds are fragrant and not too spicy Mixed and smashed chili powder with various spices The flavor combination is superb, very flavorful like a barbecue stand Really fast meal, full and hungry It's delicious with all kinds of meat.
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# 春季养身计划 #多吃肉肉 少吃淀粉 吃的饱饱还能瘦啊 没时间做饭怎么办 六婆助你快速烤鸡翅呀 鸡翅膀撒上超多的六婆辣椒面 快速抓匀 平铺烤盘上 丢进烤箱 400度10-15min 翻面 再来个5min 就能吃饭了 基本属于备餐不到5分钟 等待20分钟就可以开饭了 中间还可以忙点别的 超级快手又方便 关键味道好好吃呀 浓浓的辣椒面 香而不辣 辣椒籽吃下去都是香香的 而不会太辛辣 多种香料混合打碎的辣椒面 口味搭配超棒 非常有烧烤摊的风味 真的快手一餐 饱腹又解馋 搭配各种肉类都好吃啊