#亚米经验值+1# I finally bought shrimp skins without any additives in Yami. It really tastes like my childhood, delicious. Today, I used a little fried cucumber as a lunch box, and I ate it while frying. This shrimp skin is used for stir-frying, making wontons, and making soups are very fragrant, very fresh, without additives, which is a plus for health.
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 终于在亚米买到了无任何添加的虾皮了,真的是吃出了小时候的味道,香。今天用了一点炒黄瓜当中午盒饭,一边炒一边偷吃。这款虾皮用来炒菜,做馄饨,做汤都非常香,非常鲜,无添加,为健康加分。