# 亚米经验值+1 # 6. Baoding Tianyu Onion and Ginger Cooking Wine 500ml. Newly tried lemon chicken brussel sprouts menu, ask for wine. My family ran out of wine for steak last time, so I took out the onion and ginger cooking wine that Yami just bought. In fact, the smell of onion and ginger is not obvious. It is used to marinate the meat, and then it is cooked. I feel that cooking with wine is actually quite a test of heat. Especially the cast iron pot...the fire was high, the wine evaporated, the remaining sugar was in the pot, and the pot was immediately burnt...thanks to the Chinese cooking wine for saving me.
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 6.宝鼎天鱼 葱姜料酒 500ml。新尝试的lemon chicken brussel sprouts菜单,要求用葡萄酒。我家葡萄酒上次做牛排用光了,于是把亚米刚买的这个葱姜料酒掏出来了。其实葱姜味并不明显,拿来腌了肉,然后做了下。我感觉葡萄酒做饭其实挺考验火候的。尤其是铸铁锅...火一大,酒蒸发了,剩下的糖在锅里,立马焦锅...感谢天朝料酒救我。