# 亚米经验值+1 # Yami bought Nanzi brand yellow rock sugar fried sugar color, made a braised pork. 12. I have tried several recipes (not fried sugar-colored) braised pork one after another. I also bought flavored braised pork buns in Yami, but I feel that they are not the taste of the store. So I made up my mind to follow Brother Hou to fry a candy! The yellow rock sugar I bought at Yami this time was quite big. I put it on the balcony on a low fire for almost half an hour to make the sugar color...but the color of the braised pork is very beautiful.
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 亚米买的南字牌黄冰糖炒的糖色,做了个红烧肉。12.我已经陆陆续续试了好几个方子(不炒糖色的)的红烧肉了,也在亚米买过味加味的红烧肉料包,感觉都不是店里的味道。于是下定决心跟着猴哥炒个糖色!这次在亚米买的黄冰糖,块儿挺大的我放在阳台小火搞了快半个小时才做成糖色....不过做出来的红烧肉颜色倒是很好看。