# 亚米经验值+1 # Rong Rong Chinese-style sausage sausage 454g Claypot rice is a must. 16. I have bought this for almost half a year....It was pressed under the box when I moved, and I completely forgot about it. It was almost expired when I took it out, so I ate it in a hurry. The taste of this one is not too different from that of the emperor, it lacks the rose wine aroma.... More fat...explosively. In fact, I have already steamed, boiled and sucked with oil-absorbing paper, and finally used the air fryer to remove the oil, but it was still full of oil after one bite... Exploded oil sausage... But it is very suitable for use with the kind of bought The too thin bacon is eaten together. If you eat it alone... emmmm is not bad, it's just oily, so you can't eat too much.
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 荣荣 中式腊味香肠 腊肠 454g 煲仔饭必备。16.我买了这个能有快半年了....搬家时压在箱子底下,完全忘记了。掏出来的时候差点过期,赶紧急急忙忙吃掉了。这个吃着跟皇上皇那款差别不太大,少了些玫瑰酒香味.... 脂肪含量更多...多到爆炸。我其实已经蒸过煮过吸油纸吸过,最后还用空气炸锅去了下油,但是一口下去还是满满的油...爆油腊肠...但是挺适合拿来跟那种买到的太瘦的腊肉放在一起吃,单独吃的话...emmmm不难吃,只是油,吃不了太多。