# 亚米经验值+1 # Vietnamese version of OISHI Shanghaojia Fresh Shrimp Chips P0 Snacks Nostalgic Food 40g. 27. The size of each slice is larger than the domestic version of Shanghaojia, which shocked me. The advantage of being significantly larger is that more powder can be stuck to the inside of each slice, and the taste is stronger. I personally prefer the Vietnamese version! ! ! I still think the domestic ones are a bit bland...Although the American Dubin doesn't like American snacks, he likes all the good shrimp crackers I bought!
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 越南版OISHI上好佳 鲜味虾片 膨化零食 怀旧食品 40g。27.比国产版本的上好佳的每一片的size都要大一些,惊呆我了。明显大上很多的好处就是,每一片的里侧可以粘更多的粉,味道更重。我个人更喜欢越南版本!!!国产的我还嫌味儿有点淡...美国人呆斌虽然不爱吃美国零食,但是我买的上好佳虾片他都喜欢!