# 亚米经验值+1 # Qimentang refreshing radish sticks spicy 158g. 28. I bought it for a long time, and I forgot to eat it... The one that expired on 2.16 was fine when I opened it on 2.17. I didn’t find it when I searched for the tag, but I found it was taken off the shelf after a google search. Wronged Wujiang's radish mustard tag. The taste of all the radish pickles I ate is different... oily spicy + sweet and sour + a strange plastic smell... the crisp taste is not very strong. To be reasonable, I would prefer to buy ordinary mustard from Wujiang... I really can't think of how to eat it?
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 其门堂 爽口萝卜条 辣味 158g。28.我买了好久了,忘了吃...2.16过期的我2.17打开的可还行,搜tag都没搜出来,google一搜才发现是下架了。委屈乌江的萝卜榨菜tag了。跟我吃的所有萝卜的咸菜味道都不一样....油泼辣子+酸甜+一股奇怪的塑料味....爽脆的口感也不是很强。讲道理我更愿意去买乌江的普通榨菜...实在想不出来要怎么吃?