# 亚米经验值+1 # maxfine patch-type wearable nail sticker cream little brown bear HS-165. 42. This is the first time I use wearable nails... I thought it was the kind that was torn off and directly pasted on the nails, but I didn't expect it to be necessary Using jelly glue.... I studied how to paste it for a long time. There are a lot of them in the box, but they are not classified properly, they are mixed together... The numbers on the back are very small and hard to see. I read them all and followed the order of 12345 points, and found that many sizes are used. No, just throw it away. Fortunately, there are still 2 pairs left, and there are a lot of jelly glue, which can be pasted 2-3 times. I put it on once and it lasted for 2 days. On the third day, I ran with warm water for a while and took it off because my hair would hang when I washed my hair...but it looks good and doesn't hurt my nails. And the nails are very soft, and I can use nail clippers to trim them to the shape and size I like. Overall, it is recommended, but I will not repurchase it (because it can be used again if you take it off and wipe it clean... There is no need to repurchase it, and it will not break in the short term.)
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# 亚米经验值+1 # maxfine 贴片式穿戴甲 指甲贴 奶油小棕熊 HS-165。42.这是我第一次用穿戴指甲...本来以为是那种撕下来直接贴在指甲上的,没想到是需要用果冻胶的....自己研究了半天怎么贴。包装盒子里给了超级多,不过没好好分类,都杂七杂八混在一起了...背面的数字很小很难看清,我全部都看了一遍按照12345分了顺序后,发现不少size的都用不了,直接扔掉。 好在能用的还是留下了快2副,果冻胶也很多,可以贴2-3次。贴了1次维持了2天,第3天我自己用温水跑了一会儿摘掉了,因为洗头的时候会挂头发....但是很好看,也并不伤指甲。而且甲片很软,我还能用指甲刀修剪成自己喜欢的形状大小。总体算是推荐,但是不会回购(因为摘下来的擦干净放着还能接着用...也没啥回购的必要了,短期不会坏掉。)