#亚米经验值+1# This is the first time I ate tumbler Korean-style mixed winter noodles. There are a lot of freeze-dried mixed vegetables in the three packs of ingredients. The sauce is sweet and full of aroma with sesame oil! It is very convenient to buy and eat once in a while, and the taste is not bad!
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 第一次吃不倒翁韩式拌冬粉,三包配料冻干杂菜挺多的,粉丝量不多泡起来也就半碗左右,口感比较有弹性 酱汁偏甜口,加上麻油香气十足!就是偶尔会买来吃吃很方便味道也还行!