# 亚米经验值+1 # I’m so happy to have discovered these 3 flavors of healthy snacks from Yangufang in Yami. The name of Youth Stick is very special, just like its taste, which makes people like it. The reason why Youth Bars are healthy is that they are oat bran biscuit bars, which are very high in dietary fiber, reaching 50% or more, and contain no sugar. Cumin beef flavor, dietary fiber 58% Sea salt cheese flavor, dietary fiber 52% Spicy lobster flavor, 50% dietary fiber There are two packages in each box that are individually packaged. The roots of the youth sticks are distinct, and the texture is hard and crispy. There is no sweetness in the taste, only a slight salty taste. The difference between the three flavors is not big, but they are all delicious. I like it just right. type. They are also biscuit stick snacks. Youth sticks are somewhat similar to the biscuit sticks from Glico, but the Glico ones have a high sugar content and are delicious but unhealthy snacks. These three youth sticks from Yangufang are delicious and healthy snacks. If I had to choose, I would be more willing to repurchase the youth sticks. I hope Yangufang will produce more delicious and healthy food. Inner Mongolia’s Wuchuan Oats are well-deserved. I also wrote another review of Yangufang’s three-color quinoa Wuchuan Oats, which I recommend everyone to take a look at.
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 很高兴在亚米发现了来自燕谷坊的这3种口味健康零食。青年棒的名字很特别,正如它的口感一样,让人喜欢。 青年棒之所以健康,是因为这是燕麦麸皮饼干棒,膳食纤维很高,都达到了50%或以上,而且不含糖。 孜然牛肉味,膳食纤维58% 海盐芝士味,膳食纤维52% 香辣龙虾味,膳食纤维50% 每盒里面两包独立包装,青年棒根根分明,口感硬中带脆,味道没有甜味,只有略微的咸味,三种口味的区别不是很大,但都好吃,刚刚好是我喜欢的类型。 同样是饼干棒零食,青年棒有点类似glico格力高的那些饼干棍,但是格力高的都是糖含量很高,属于好吃但不健康零食。燕谷坊这3款青年棒属于好吃同时又健康的零食,如果让我选择,我会更愿意回购青年棒。 希望燕谷坊多产一些好吃又健康的食品,内蒙古的武川燕麦名不虚传,我写的另外一篇燕谷坊三色藜麦武川燕麦测评推荐大家看一看。