# 亚米经验值+1 #The temperature suddenly dropped! Yesterday was still more than ten degrees Celsius above zero, giving people the illusion of warm spring flowers blooming It's minus eight degrees today 🥹 Getting out of the car and crossing the parking lot gives me chills A cup of warm and fragrant soy milk is a lifesaver Yami’s No Added Sugar Soy Milk from Singapore It is my regular drink and I have repurchased it many times Have a cup of heart-warming and stomach-warming unsweetened soy milk in winter Yami - let's have a delicious soy milk The main features are instant, fragrant, sweet but not greasy The bean flavor is full, it is the fresh soy milk aroma But it smells like beans Just a touch of sweetness makes it super palatable Super suitable for people who don't like sweet drinks and don't want to have a simple taste Sweetness comes from healthy sugar substitute plant extracts Not the kind of sweet industrial sugar substitute glycemic friendly The key is that it is convenient! ! ! Whether at home or in the office You can drink a cup of fragrant and delicious soy milk anytime, anywhere Happiness index rises
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# 亚米经验值+1 #突然降温了! 昨天还是零上十几摄氏度 让人有种春暖花开的错觉 今天就变成零下八度🥹 下车穿过停车场的功夫就让人瑟瑟发抖 一杯热乎乎的香浓豆奶简直就是救星 亚米的这款来自新加坡的无添加糖豆奶 算是我的常备饮品 回购超多次 冬日来杯暖心暖胃的无加糖豆奶 亚米-来份美味的豆浆 最主要的特点是 速溶、香浓、清甜而不腻 豆香味十足 是那种清新的豆奶香气 不过有豆子的腥味 只有淡淡的甜味 使得它适口性超棒 超级适合不爱甜味饮料 又不想单纯原味的人 甜味来自健康代糖植物提取物 不是那种甜味冲脑的工业代糖 升糖比较友好 关键是它方便啊!!! 无论是居家 还是办公室 随时随地都能喝上一杯香浓味美的豆奶 幸福指数升高