#亚米经验值+1# It's an unexpected shiitake mushroom sauce. A whole small shiitake mushroom is real, the granular winter bamboo shoots are very crisp, and the yellow peas are dense and sweet. The ingredients are really rich and not too spicy. It's really delicious when mixed with sliced noodles Full of anger! A very recommended mushroom sauce👍
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 真是出乎意料的香菇酱,一整朵的小香菇真材实料,颗粒状的冬笋十分爽脆,还有黄豌豆口感绵密香甜,配料真的很丰富也不会很辣。拿来拌了刀削面真的好好吃香 气十足!很推荐的一款香菇酱👍