#亚米经验值+1# It is very simple and trouble-free to make corn batter in a snow pan 1️⃣Boil the water 2️⃣ Pour in about ¾ cup cornmeal 3️⃣Stir with a spoon at the same time. The third step is the key to making a paste with moderate viscosity and no lumps Stir constantly over medium heat If it's too thick, add a little water Stir a little longer and wait until the batter has a uniform texture (no stratification) and the bubbling bubbles are fine. I usually have a bowl in the morning and eat it with the buns In the evening, a bowl of cornmeal paste is used instead of the staple food can eat very full YAMI Yami's snow pan Japan YANOSAKU Yanozaku Snow Pan 18cm with Steaming Tray $18.99(Access Price) It can also be realized that the bottom is boiled and the top is hot buns Gooey paste➕baozi is very convenient to cook together
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 用雪平锅做玉米面糊糊 特别简单省事 1️⃣水烧开 2️⃣倒入 大概¾杯 玉米面 3️⃣同时用勺子舀 搅动。 第三步是做出 粘稠度适中 没有颗粒疙瘩的糊糊的关键 用中小火 不停的搅拌 如果觉得太稠了 可以加一点水进去 多搅拌一会 等到糊糊质地均匀(没有分层现象)并且咕嘟咕嘟起泡泡了 就好了 我一般早上来一碗 跟包子一起吃 晚上就用一碗玉米面糊糊代替主食了 可以吃的很饱 YAMI 亚米 的雪平锅 日本YANOSAKU矢之作雪平锅 18cm 附蒸屉 $18.99(到手价) 还可以实现 下面煮糊糊 上面热包子 糊糊➕包子 一起出锅 非常方便