#亚米经验值+1# I found out that Yami has my favorite Jiade pineapple cake, and I also buy it at a special price. Their pineapple cake is crispy and has a strong milk flavor. The pineapple filling is sweet and delicious, and sometimes it tastes a little sour. Don’t look at one It's small, but it's quite filling to eat one. Our family likes to eat it very much. I hope that Yami will replenish it soon, and don't forget to order more event discounts.
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 发现亚米自营有我最喜欢吃的佳德凤梨酥,而且还买特价,他们家的凤梨酥皮酥松,奶香味特浓,凤梨馅香甜可口,有时还会吃出一点点酸味,别看一个小小的,吃一个还挺饱腹的。我们一家人都很喜欢吃,希望亚米快补货,别忘了多点活动折扣。