#亚米经验值+1# Last time I ate Calbee French Fries 🍟Original, So tried the creamy flavor again! Just like the original flavor, a small amount of vegetable powder is added, It tastes a little more creamy. The taste is equally crunchy and crunchy. It may be that cream is added, so it will be a bit greasy if you eat too much. In contrast, I prefer the original potato aroma! 😘
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 上次吃了卡乐比薯条🍟原味, 所以又试了奶油味! 和原味一样添加了少量蔬菜末, 味道上多了一点奶香。 口感同样硬脆硬脆的, 可能是添加了奶油所以吃多了会有点腻。 相比之下我更喜欢原味的薯香气!😘