#亚米经验值+1# Surprisingly served with real rice, And the taste is good 👌Slightly spicy and delicious! Although the quantity looks small, the tofu is so tender, small and delicious! I didn't put all the sauce, For the rest, I made my own spicy tofu soup, which is super delicious! If there is an event, I will buy it!
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 出乎意料的是配有真正的米饭, 而且味道不错👌微微辣挺好吃的! 虽然量看着不多但豆腐好嫩小小的好好吃呀! 酱我没有全放, 剩下的又自己自制了一份辣豆腐汤超级下饭! 有做活动的话都会购买!