#亚米经验值+1# This Spicy Chicken Looking at the harmless diced chicken Actually very spicy Because I used jayone's extra spicy chili noodles to marinate In fact, when frying Added Huangfeihong peanuts and dried chilies and dried peppercorns inside So the spiciness is directly upgraded very enjoyable to eat very hungry Do you want to try
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 这道辣子鸡丁 看着白白的人畜无害的鸡丁 其实特别辣 因为用了jayone的特辣辣椒面去腌制了 其实炒的时候 加了黄飞红花生 和里面的干辣椒干花椒 所以辣度直接升级啦 吃起来非常过瘾 十分下饭呢 你要不要试试呢