#亚米经验值+1# A fast food that can be repurchased unlimitedly. Although the price has been increasing, the Indonesian dry fried noodles instant noodles that I have been buying all the time are really convenient and delicious! The instant noodle cake inside the package is similar to many brands of instant noodles on the market, but there are as many as five kinds of seasonings, all of which are Indonesian special seasonings. These five seasonings are Bumbu, an Indonesian ingredient mixed with concentrated spices, fried onion dices Bawang Goreng, sweet soy sauce Kecap, spicy sauce Sambal, Indonesian ingredients plus cooking oil Minyak Bumbu, I didn’t expect Indonesians to be so particular about eating instant noodles! The way to eat is also very simple, cook in boiling water for 3 minutes, take it out and let the water dry, then add the seasoning and mix well! The seasoning can be slightly adjusted according to your own taste. You can also fry an egg and add a few vegetables, just like the ones in the store! To be honest, the taste is definitely different from the authentic Indonesian dry fried noodles eaten in Indonesia, but it is extremely similar. The noodles cooked for only 3 minutes are slightly springy, and the taste is similar to ordinary instant noodles. There is a little bit of chili taste, like me who don't eat spicy food at all, can accept the spicy, accompanied by fried onion, the taste is crunchy! The serving size of one pack is not much, I have to eat two packs every time, so buying a family pack of 5 packs is the most cost-effective!
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 無限回購的一款速食,雖然一直漲價但一直都還在買的印尼乾炒麵方便麵實在是方便又好吃啦! 打開外包裝裡面的方便麵麵餅跟市面上很多品牌的方便麵大同小異,反而調味料卻有五種之多,全都是印尼的特色調味料。這五種調味料分別是印尼一種混合集中香料的配料Bumbu、炸洋蔥粒Bawang Goreng、甜醬油Kecap、辣醬Sambal、印尼配料加上食用油Minyak Bumbu,沒想到印尼人吃個方便麵這麼講究的呢! 食用方式也非常簡單,在燒開的水裡煮3分鐘,撈起來晾一下水,然後加入調味料攪拌均勻就可以啦!調味料可以依據自己的口味稍微調整。還可以煎個蛋再加幾條青菜,就跟店裡的一樣了! 實話說跟在印尼吃的正宗印尼乾炒麵味道肯定是不一樣的,但極度相似。只煮3分鐘的麵有點Q彈,口感跟一般的方便麵差不多。有一點點辣椒的味道,像我這種完全不吃辣的都能接受的香辣,伴著炸洋蔥粒吃,口感脆脆的! 一包的份量不多,我每次都要吃兩包才夠,買5包的家庭裝就最划算啦!