#亚米经验值+1# This Joyoung disposable soymilk machine happened to be purchased by my family for a whole year, 365 days a year, and I can say that I have used it for more than 200 days. The autumn in California is extremely dry, and my skin is dry and peeling, so this For two months, I have changed my method to make white fungus soup. While supplementing collagen, the dryness of the skin has indeed stabilized a lot. I am very satisfied with this soymilk machine. The soymilk is very fine and dense, there is no dregs in it, and it has a strong aroma. The most important thing is that it does not need to be cleaned. Many friends say that its outlet pipe is not easy to clean, and it will breed bacteria. I want to tell you a way. I do a deep cleaning every two weeks. Before cleaning, I will use my little finger to stick some salt or baking soda to the outlet. Make a circle in the water pipe, and then press the button for deep cleaning, it will be very clean, and you don't have to worry about the problem of bacteria breeding. Now Joyoung has launched a new disposable soymilk machine. I don’t know which function of the old model has been upgraded. Now Yami Appliances is discounting. If the old model is discounted, it is strongly recommended!
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 这款九阳免洗豆浆机正好是我家购入整整一年,一年365天,我可以说用了超过200天,加州的秋天是异常干燥,我的皮肤是干得脱皮的状态,所以这两个月都变着法子做白木耳汤,补充胶原蛋白的同时,皮肤的干燥感也确实稳定了不少。 这款豆浆机我用下来是非常满意的,豆浆打得非常细腻绵密,喝不出有渣渣,而且香气浓郁,最关键是不用清洗。很多朋友说它的出水管不容易清洗,会滋生细菌,我想告诉大家一个办法,我是每两周做一次深层清洗,清洗之前我会用我的小拇指粘一些盐或者小苏打,伸到出水管里打圈圈,然后按键深层清洁就非常干净了,一点都不用担心滋生细菌的问题。 现在九阳又出了新款免洗豆浆机,不知道在旧款的哪个功能upgrade了,现在亚米电器在打折,如果老款打折促销的话,强烈推荐!