# 亚米经验值+1 #When I first started buying beef tongue cakes Still wondering if it's meat stuffing? I found out later Beef tongue pie has nothing to do with half a dime of beef Just because it's shaped like a cow's tongue👅 But that doesn't stop it from being delicious 😁 Its main ingredients are wheat flour and seasonings such as sugar, oil and salt. Made by traditional dim sum chefs It has become a traditional Chinese dim sum with a classic combination of salty and sweet One bite, crispy dregs It is the kind of crisp that will really fall off. . . The joy of being full of carbs But it is also high in carbohydrates. For those who want to lose weight and control sugar, remember to exercise restraint 😁 I've been busy all morning and I'm so hungry 🥹 Hurry up and take out my ox tongue pancakes and eat them in twos and threes I feel alive again 😂😂😂 When can merchants consider releasing an independent package? It’s really unfriendly to make office snacks so as not to lose your body every time.
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# 亚米经验值+1 #最开始入手牛舌饼的时候 还在想会不会是肉馅的 后来才知道 牛舌饼跟牛肉半毛钱关系都没有 只是因为形状像牛舌头👅而已 不过这也不妨碍它好吃😁 它的主要成分就是小麦粉和糖、油、盐等调料 经过点心师傅传统工艺的制作 就成了咸甜经典搭配好吃的传统中式点心 一口下去 酥的掉渣 是真的会掉一身渣的那种酥。。。 满满的碳水带来的快乐 但也碳水属实高 减肥控糖的 记得要克制😁 忙了一上午 好饿🥹 赶紧拿出我的牛舌饼 三两下一个下肚 才感觉自己又活过来了😂😂😂 商家什么时候能考虑出个独立包装的 省得每次掉一身渣 做办公室小零食真的不友好啊