# 亚米经验值+1 #My favorite hand cream recently is this peach hand cream from the magic forest! ! The price of cabbage is 4.5 knives. The smell is super good, it is very authentic peach flavor! ! Every time I put on the hand cream, I am hungry for peaches! ! This hand cream contains Shea Butter and Peach Extract. The main effects are common whitening and brightening, moisturizing and anti-wrinkle repairing. Essential for body and skin care.
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# 亚米经验值+1 #最近最喜欢的护手霜就是这款魔法森林的水蜜桃护手霜了!!白菜价4.5刀。 味道超好闻,就是很正宗的水蜜桃味儿!! 每次擦完护手霜都很馋桃子吃!! 这款护手霜含有乳木果油和蜜桃提取物。 主要功效就是常见的嫩白提亮、补水保湿和抗皱修护。养身护肤必备。