#亚米经验值+1# Homemade secret beef marinated buns, Prepare a large piece of beef and wash it, and add your own marinade (powder shape) you can add some dried chili and star anise, then add water to dilute it, if the color is not deep enough, you can add some dark soy sauce! Press high pressure for about half an hour, if it is too salty, add some salt to adjust! Let the beef cool down and then cut into thin slices. You can put it back into the marinade to soak it to add more flavor. The salty and fragrant meat is really delicious
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 自家卤的秘制牛肉卤料包, 准备一大块牛肉洗净,按照比例加入自家卤卤料(粉末 状)可再加点干辣椒和八角再加入清水稀释一下,颜色如果不够深可加点老抽!高压压个半小时左右就好了,如果太咸可加点盐调和!待牛肉晾凉再切薄片,可再放回卤汁里浸泡更加入味咸香肉香真的非常好吃😋平时多卤点可拿来煮牛肉面啊或当凉菜都非常的美味👍