#亚米经验值+1# This meal tonight was delicious And it's so simple, let me share it with you ✅Eat the leftover fried beef at noon (Fried tenderloin, croquettes, etc. are all OK) ✅ Hong Kong-style fish balls bought by YAMI Fish eggs are free ✅Fresh mushrooms (the white mushrooms of Meichao are fine) Finally add fans Sprinkle parsley when serving This fish egg is delicious when made into a dish Snacks become staple food in seconds very quick dish
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 今晚上吃的这顿饭 可太美味了 而且巨简单 给大家分享一下 ✅中午吃剩下的炸牛肉 (炸里脊也行 炸丸子 等炸物都可以) ✅ YAMI 亚米 买的港式鱼蛋 鱼蛋自由啦 ✅鲜蘑菇(美超那种白蘑菇就可以了) 最后加粉丝 出锅的时候撒香菜 这个鱼蛋做成菜 可太好吃啦 零食秒变主食啊 非常快手菜