#亚米经验值+1# This pork bone soup noodle soup, the soup base is light yellow, it does have a taste of pork bone soup, with white sesame and green onion, it tastes even more fragrant. Today, bacon, poached eggs, and sausages are added, but there are no vegetables in the soup, otherwise it would be more perfect! Although instant noodles are a quick meal, the way I make instant noodles is rather roundabout. I usually soak the noodles in boiling water first and then pour out the water. The quality of the noodle cakes is still good, and the water for the first soak is basically crystal clear, and there is almost no oil. Put the soaked instant noodles into the bowl that has already added the seasoning packet, then add hot water and stir until the seasoning melts! I bought a super value five-pack, which is more cost-effective than buying a single pack!
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 這款豬骨濃湯味湯麵,湯底是偏淡黃色的,確實是有點豬骨濃湯的味道,還有白芝麻和蔥花,吃起來感覺味道更香啦。今天還加了培根、荷包蛋、香腸,唯獨家裡少了青菜,不然就更完美啦! 雖說方便麵是快手餐,但我泡方便麵的方式比較迂迴,通常都是先用開水把麵泡開了就把水倒掉,如果泡出來的水顏色比較深的話會在泡一次,但出前一丁的麵餅質量還是不錯的,泡的第一次水基本還是清澈見底的,而且幾乎不油。把泡開了的方便麵放到已經加入了調料包的碗裡,然後加入熱水攪拌到調味料融化就可以啦! 我買的是超值五包裝的,比單包買來說更划算喔!