#亚米经验值+1# I love bread so much. Thanks to YAMI Yami Jiuyang electric baking pan You can eat Baijimo, Roujiamo, and noodles with scallion oil in minutes As long as the dough is in place, making buns is too easy To make steamed buns, you need to knead the dough But pancakes don't need Just tidy up the haired face Press flat and brush oil on both sides Put it in the electric baking pan, turn it on the "pie" mode, and it will be ready for nine minutes ✅Remember to turn over ✅Put it in directly without waiting for preheating ✅For pancakes without filling, there is no need to add oil to the electric baking pan (because both sides of the pancake have already been oiled)
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 我可太爱吃 发面馍了 多亏了 YAMI 亚米 九阳电饼铛 分分钟吃到 白吉馍 肉夹馍 和发面 葱油馍 只要面 发到位了 做馍太简单了 做馒头的话 需要揉面 但是 饼子不需要的 直接把发好的面 整理一下 摁扁 两面刷油 放到电饼铛里面 旋转“馅饼”模式 九分钟就好啦 ✅记得翻面 ✅直接放进去 不用等预热 ✅没有馅的饼子 不用往电饼铛里面加 油(因为饼子两面已经刷油了)