#亚米经验值+1# Cantonese-style pineapple beer flavored soda. Although it is pineapple beer, everyone knows that it is non-alcoholic. This is the drink I drank when I went to the food stalls in the night market with my parents when I was young. I feel like I have returned to my childhood. I hope this will always be in stock.
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 广式菠萝啤果味型汽水。虽说是菠萝啤,但是大家都知道这个是没有酒精的。这个就是小时候和爸爸妈妈去夜市大排档是夜宵时喝的饮料,感觉一下子回到了小时候,希望这个一直有货哦。