#亚米经验值+1# Generally, I seldom choose seaweed-flavored things for fear of not being used to it! But looking at Yumei's cute mini twist, I still started. It is still made of yam, and it feels healthier. Thin and small one, the seaweed flavor is very rich and slightly sweet, crunchy and crunchy in the mouth, very addictive and delicious one after another! The yam twist that will be repurchased‼ ️
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 一般很少选择海苔味的东西怕吃不惯的! 不过看着与美这款可爱迷你的小麻花,还是下手了, 还是山药做的,感觉更健康了呢。 又细又小的一根,海苔味十分浓郁还带着微微的甜,入口嘎嘣脆、嘎嘣响,挺上瘾的一根接一根好吃呀! 会回购的山药小麻花‼️