# 亚米经验值+1 # I want to eat it after a while, and I bought the unified one. This time, I will try this one from Master Kong. In addition to a piece of bread, there are 4 small ingredients in the bag, which are vegetable packets, sauerkraut packets, powder packets and sauce Bao, the noodles are strong enough, the soup base is sour and refreshing, just the taste you want.
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 隔一段时间就想吃,买过统一的,这回试试康师傅这款,袋子里除了面饼一块,还有4个小料包,分别为蔬菜包、酸菜包、粉包和酱包,面条够劲道,汤底够酸爽,就是想要的味道。