#亚米经验值+1# AGF is very popular in Japan, and this series of cold-brew coffee, which was launched last year for summer seasons, is particularly popular, and cold brew is really convenient! As a matcha lover, how can I miss the matcha au lait in this series! From the moment you tear off the packaging strip, you can already smell the rich matcha fragrance, paired with lubricated milk, the flavor is rich, lingering between the lips and teeth, the smooth and delicate taste, the rich aroma, and the taste! The brewing method of this matcha oulet is very simple, just pour the matcha powder into 120ml of milk, stir gently and enjoy! I personally tested that the matcha powder can really melt completely in the ice milk just taken out of the refrigerator, and adding ice cubes can make the matcha au lait taste smoother! This Japanese-style matcha oulet is perfect for breakfast or afternoon!
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# 亚米经验值+1 # AGF在日本很受歡迎,去年推出的這一系列夏天季節限定的冷泡咖啡特別暢銷,而且冷泡真的非常方便! 抹茶控的我又怎能錯過這個系列中的抹茶歐蕾呢!從撕開包裝條的一刻就已經聞到濃郁的抹茶香,搭配潤滑的牛奶,風味馥郁,回旋在唇齒之間,柔滑細膩的口感,濃醇香韻,絲絲入味! 這款抹茶歐蕾的沖泡方式非常簡單,只需要把抹茶粉末倒入120毫升的牛奶中,輕輕攪拌均勻就可以享用了!親測抹茶粉末真的能完全融化在剛從冰箱裡拿出來的冰牛奶中,而且加入冰塊還能使抹茶歐蕾口感更順滑!這款日式風味的抹茶歐蕾不管是早餐還是午後都很適合喔!