#亚米经验值+1# Xiangxiangzui Sansanjiao Flavored Dried Tofu. This dried tofu is also delicious. I haven’t tried this brand before. This one is planted with grass. The taste of this sansho is really good, but it is not particularly spicy. Friends who can’t eat spicy food can also try it. Many flavors are out of stock, what a pity.
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 香香嘴山椒味卤制豆腐干。这个豆干也好好吃哦,以前没有吃过这个牌子,这个种草了,这个山椒味的真不错,但不会特别辣,不能吃辣的朋友也可以尝试一下。好多口味都缺货,好遗憾。