#亚米经验值+1# I have made kung pao chicken many times and this one is the best The diced chicken is tender, oily and slightly spicy There is a little bit of hanging juice because there is thickening The key to success is probably pouring too much oil when marinating the chicken It was a mistake, but I didn't expect to make this dish Bought by YAMI ✅Little bear driving to bacon seasoning ✅Huangfeihong Peanuts fast food Get everything done in one hour, start with choosing and chopping vegetables Actually there is nothing to cut Costco's beef sausage, just cut it off Mantou is greatly praised by someone The bun I ate, after refrigeration, the toast is the same as the one just out of the pan, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside Thanks to YAMI Yami's seasoning lunch in minutes
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 我做了很多次宫保鸡丁,这一次效果最好 鸡丁很嫩 油润 微微辣 稍许有一点点挂汁 因为有勾芡 成功的关键 大概是腌鸡肉的时候 油倒多了 本来是失误 没想到居然成就了这道菜 YAMI 亚米 买的 ✅小熊驾到腌肉调料 ✅黄飞红花生 都是快手菜 一小时搞定所有 从择菜切菜开始 其实没啥需要切的 Costco的牛肉肠 切下 就好了 馒头得到某人的大大夸赞 我吃的馍,冷藏之后 toast 跟刚刚出锅的一样 外酥里嫩 多亏了有 YAMI 亚米 的佐料 分分钟搞定午餐