#亚米经验值+1# Japan's uha taste candy cantaloupe-flavored fruit juice sandwich fudge. I only bought two flavors of this brand of sugar, cantaloupe and grape, and the other flavors are out of stock. This cantaloupe flavor is also good, but I prefer the grape flavor, this cantaloupe flavor is only sweet, I prefer the sweet and sour one.
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 日本uha悠哈味觉糖哈密瓜味果汁夹心软糖。这个牌子的糖我只买了哈密瓜味和葡萄味两种,其他味道都断货了。这个哈密瓜味的也不错,但是我更喜欢葡萄味的,这个哈密瓜味的只是甜,我更喜欢甜中带酸的那种。