Skin care routine for super sensitive skin 🌟 I really have super sensitive skin. When it comes to autumn, I will have small rashes and itching and redness. HABA's G lotion is new. To be honest, I haven't dared to use any other than Avène spray for more than a year. Watery😢 But after using G lotion, there is no discomfort, moisturizing is also very good, it can be regarded as moisturizing and silent~ I am happy, I finally have a moisturizing water that can be used~ Curly face cream is believed to be an artifact known to everyone~ I have already emptied 5 or 6 bottles. Although it does not have a special magical effect, it is gentle and moisturizing. For sensitive skin, it is an artifact. This makeup remover works great! highly recommended! Much better and gentler than Banila's. There are also grapefruit flavors~ but I used them hahaha. Both are very useful. I prefer the rose one because I feel like a fairy hahahahaha 🌟 Cure's exfoliation, it is said that sensitive skin should not use exfoliating products, so I only use it once a month, this is also the type that is gentle on the skin, the water and lotion absorbs faster after exfoliation, which is still good The last Mandan eye and lip makeup remover, everyone knows~ It is also an empty bottle of 5 or 6 cans. It is mild and easy to use, not to mention cheap. Where can I find such a good thing? ! (Yami, shh) Girls with sensitive skin are angels with broken wings in their previous life😂😂
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超级敏感肌的护肤日常🌟 真的是超级敏感的皮肤,一到秋天,就会起小疹子而且发痒发红,HABA的G露是新买的,其实实不相瞒,我已经一年多没敢用除雅漾喷雾以外的水了😢 但是G露用了之后没有任何不适,保湿也很不错,算是润物细无声吧〜 开心,终于有可以用的保湿水了〜 珂润面霜相信是任何人都知道的神器吧〜 我都已经空瓶5、6瓶了,虽说也没有特别神奇的功效,但是温和保湿,对于敏感肌来说,就是神器。 这个卸妆膏非常好用!强烈推荐!比芭妮兰的好用很多,而且更温和。还有柚子味道的〜 但是我用掉了哈哈哈 两个都很好用,更喜欢玫瑰的,因为感觉自己是个仙女哈哈哈哈🌟 Cure的去角质,都说敏感肌不应该用去角质的产品,所以我也就一个月用一次,这个也是对皮肤比较温和的类型,去角质后水乳吸收更快,还是不错哒 最后的曼丹眼唇卸妆液,大家都知道吧〜 也是空瓶5、6罐,温和好用不说还便宜,这么好的东西哪里找?!(亚米呀,嘘) 敏感肌的妹子都是上辈子折翼的天使😂😂