#无惧紫外线# I bought a box of Thai Ray’s silk mask in Yami, golden repair and brightening. There are ten pieces in each box. It is one of the masks that I often bring when I travel. Plastic layer, silk layer in the middle, and basket-colored fiber layer; unfold the mask, remove the plastic layer, apply the silk layer on the face, and then remove the fiber layer. After use, the skin is fair, soft and comfortable; the main ingredients are: water , glycerin, aloe vera, hyaluronic acid, xanthan gum, ascorbic acid, centella asiatica extract, rosemary extract, chamomile flower extract, camellia leaf extract, etc.; suitable for comprehensive, oily, sensitive skin.
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# 无惧紫外线 # 在亚米买了盒泰国 Ray 的蚕丝面膜,金色修复提亮,每盒有十枚,是外出旅游时常带的面膜之一,袋子里的美容液很充足;这款面膜共有三层:白色的塑料层、中间的蚕丝层、篮色的纤维层;将面膜展开,取掉塑料层、将蚕丝层敷在脸上,再摘掉纤维层,用后肌肤白皙、柔嫩舒适;主要成分有:水、甘油、芦荟、玻尿酸、黄原胶、抗坏血酸、积雪草精粹、迷迭香提取物、洋甘菊花提取物、山茶花叶提取物等;适用于综合性、油性、敏感肤质。